(激PUSH盤) Pinsky / Losing Touch (2011)

一言レビュー「90's Emoから受け継がれる繊細さと力強さ」

Genre: Indie Rock/Emo/Alternative
For Fans of: Look Mexico, Tiger Jaw, Man Overboard
Country: Portland, US.
Label: Sinking Ship Records

1. Losing Touch
2. Hesitation
3. View Finder
4. The Only Ones
5. Winter Street
6. Monotony
7. By Your Side
8. Half Full
9. The Ocean
10. States


PUNX SAVE THE EARTHさんのディストロで購入したアメリカはポートランドのPinskyのデビューアルバムをれぶー。

これは凄いアルバムですよ!90's Emoの刹那的な激情感や叙情性を持ち、それでいて力強いサウンドを再現しています。ヘナヘナしていないエモって感じで、The Get Up Kidsとか好きな人にもオススメです。前作であるEPにDefeaterのJay Maasが関わっているのもパッショネイトなサウンドに一役買っているのでしょうか。

The Only Ones

"Losing Touch"…タイトルトラックでもあるこの曲。疾走感の中にも瑞々しさとエモーショナルさを兼ね備えた、正に彼らのサウンドを表すに相応しいリードトラック。
"View Finder"…何かSaves The Dayを思い出した曲。ヴォーカルの高音の出し方が似てるのかな?最後の歌詞の「I want to change, let's start tonight. One more drink, then I'll go home.」が好き。特に"start tonight"の歌いまわしが好き。
"The Only Ones"…最後のコーラスの畳み掛けや「six feet down」のハモリが気持ちいいです。一番好きな曲。
"Winter Street"…1:13と短いながらも、ドラマティックな展開。
"By Your Side"…3拍子の曲。やっぱりこのテンポの曲はゆったりと体が揺れてしまいます。
"Half Full"…静と動が一番ハッキリ出てる気がします。曲としての完成度がむっちゃ高いです。
"The Ocean"…3拍子+ゆったり+エモーショナル=名曲の風格。






後オマケ的なんですが、PUNX SAVE THE EARTHさんのディストロブログを拝見したところ、「レーベルさんからレビューして欲しいと頼まれたので、誰かレビューして下さいませんか?」的な文章が書いてあったので、ちょっと英語でレビューしてみます。
ちなみに僕の英語力は中学生で止まっています。たまに来る外国の方の感想のメールなども全て「Thank You」で返信している僕の英語力を舐めないでほしいですね(キリッ)大体僕がフォローしてる人皆英語達者過ぎんだよ畜生(嫉妬)


(about pinsky)
Formed in 2007, Pinsky is one of New England's best kept secrets. Peter Vachon, Jeff Roberts, Andre Tranchemontagne and Mike Graton write punk-infused indie rock tunes with teeth. The band self-released their debut EP, Two for the Road in 2008. A year later, they recorded a two song EP (States/Only Ones) with Jay Maas of Defeater. For the past two years, the band has spent time sharpening their songwriting skills, drinking whiskey and tattooing themselves with old Movielife quotes. The result is their 2011 debut album, Losing Touch - which will be released on Sinking Ship Records.

They say you hold onto the music of your youth – and Pinsky has crafted an album that stands up alongside the venerable punk rock and melodic emo from the late 90s and early 00s (Braid, The Get Up Kids, Hot Rod Circuit). Losing Touch is a summer album for a generation that will be spending the next three months in the same dive bars they've inhabited all winter long. The melodies are born from equal parts stomach bile and heart. Instead of sappy love songs and petulant break-up tunes, Pinsky presents ten concise, diverse tracks that illustrate a sense of maturity (both in structure and substance). Uniting the album is a theme that in this day and age, when it’s hard to tell if things are getting better, it’s nice to have each other.

I review 1st album of Pinsky from Portland.
What a great album! They has lyrical and passionate sounds like 90s emo and 00s early emo (Braid, The Get Up Kids, Hot Rod Circuit). They play beautiful melody like post rock, and powerful sounds like punk rock. I think their balance of powerful sound and beautiful melody is wonderful. Their emotional sounds moved my heart. I listen to their tunes many times, so I had been their fans.

My favorite tunes are "Losing Touch", "View Finder", "The Only Ones", "The Ocean" and "States"!!
"Losing Touch" is fast tune. "View Finder" is tune like Save The Day. I like lyrics for this tune, "I want to change, let's start tonight. One more drink, then I'll go home.""The Only Ones" has good CHORUS, good melody. "The Ocean" has the distinctive character of the masterpiece. "States" is my best song. This song has guitar phrase like post rock...awesome! I love it!!

This album is debut album?! Unbelievable!! Pinsky has splendid talents. They release 1st album recently, but I already aspire to listen to their new songs!!



このCDが欲しい方はPUNX SAVE THE EARTHさんのディストロサイトをチェックです!!
Pinsky / Loosing Touch \1000
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